SCRAP is an acronym

Why these particular S.C.R.A.P. harms?
Suffering - Animal and Human
when large numbers of animals are crammed together in overcrowded conditions with no chance of a normal life, mutilated without anaesthetic to make them easier to manage, and genetically developed to optimise yield at the expense of welfare, this ensures suffering to sentient beings. This suffering causes stress and susceptibility to disease, which puts humans at additional risk.
Climate chaos
The climate is increasingly raging out of control bringing mental and physical health risks and, most catastrophically, the end to the planet's viability for humans and other sentient life and to the human niche.
Ravaging the planet
Worsening environmental damage, deforestation, biodiversity loss and pollution
Antibiotic resistance
Routine infections impact increasing numbers of people, and without access to viable antibiotics, 10 million people a year could die by 2050. A third of all UK antibiotics are used on factory farms.
🔗 Source: Antibiotic Use for Farm Animals
Often come from zoonotic diseases, and 75% of emerging diseases are zoonotic. Avian influenza viruses which infect humans via birds or pigs, have caused four major pandemics since 1918, with a total death toll of nearly 60 million people.