Humane Being's S.C.R.A.P. Library
How Factory Farming Harms People, Planet and Animals

The SCRAP Campaign

What is Factory Farming

S uffering C limate Chaos R avaging the planet A ntibiotic Resistance P andemics and disease


and the subsidies it gets from public funds

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Please help us SCRAP FACTORY FARMING Share our message - extend our reach


Help us protect: ✔️ People from disease, ✔️ Animals from cruelty and disease the ✔️ Planet from further harm

Timeline of actions our volunteer group have taken:

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Thank you to everyone who has helped us get this far. Every donation, share and piece of information has made a difference.


How you can help

you can help by donating

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“Intensive animal agriculture is a leading cause of deforestation; antimicrobial resistance; and air, soil and water pollution. Animal derived food products are themselves linked to higher rates of non communicable diseases, including some cancers and diabetes.”
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